The Haven's curriculum is constantly developing to reflect the wide-ranging cognitive, social, cultural, spiritual, moral, physical and sensory needs of our pupils. It aims to be broad, balanced and relevant, allowing differentiation, progression and consistency. We aim to offer an inclusive curriculum which ensures equality of opportunity, enabling access to all aspects of the curriculum, irrespective of gender, race, disadvantage or disability. Ensuring that we adapt appropriate autism specific teaching methods to meet the individual needs of our pupils, the foundation of our teaching remains sensitive, positive and flexible, maintaining high expectation within a calm, structured environment.
The curriculum is the vehicle through which communication, social understanding, flexibility of thought and sensory differences can be supported and developed.
At Key stage 3 and 4, we follow the national curriculum guidelines and pupils follow a core curriculum of English, Maths, Science, Design and Technology, Art and Design, PE, and Cookery. Whilst communication, Personal Social and Health Education (PHSE), Citizenship, ICT and Religious and Moral Education aspects are taught throughout the curriculum.
A topic based approach ensures learning can be generalised and independence maximised and also covers History and Geography.
Creativity and enrichment activities play a large part in motivating the pupils and ensuring that learning is fun.
The curriculum also focuses on the Independent Living Skills (ILS) and we have an amazing site which can also facilitate Gardening/Ground Maintenance and some basic Vehicle Maintenance.
In addition, we have a weekly Community Access session, where pupils can access Shops, Cafes, Leisure Centres, Libraries, etc., in their local community and also visit new places and activities e.g. Adventure Golf, Chester Zoo, Trampoline Centres, etc.
During these Community Access trips, pupils learn valuable social skills, develop problem solving skills and increase their independence.
From year 11 upwards, pupils are supported on Work Experience programmes, appropriate to their needs and level of independence.
Since September 2014, we have successfully supported pupils on the following Work Experience programmes: Tree Surgery, Landscape Gardening, 4 x 4 Garage, Construction Work, a Local Day Nursery, Animal Rescue Centre and a Computer Repairs Workshop.
The 16 - 19 curriculum focuses on the skills needed for life after The Haven.
Our person-centred approach enables students to follow an individually tailored curriculum that is based upon becoming a successful adult with autism.
Pupils are taught on either a staffing ration of 1:2 or 1:1, dependent upon their individual needs.
If you would like information regarding the academic performance from the previous school year please contact the school office on the number provided on the 'Contact us' page.
Careers Education and Guidance
At The Haven, we support our pupils to develop the knowledge and skills that will help them make the best use of their capabilities in learning and work throughout life.
Careers Education and Guidance will:
- Increase their self-awareness and identify their personal development needs (self-development).
- Help pupils to become aware of career opportunities (Career exploration).
- Develop skills in career planning that help pupils make choices (Career Management).
We work closely with specialist Careers Wales Advisers, who work with pupils and staff to draw up individual Learning and Skills Plans for pupils moving on to FE placements, after they leave The Haven and who assist the pupils who move on to employment opportunities.
The Haven is committed to promoting the Welsh language and culture as an integrated part of school life.
The majority of our pupils come from homes where English is the first language; however, as a school in wales, we promote an ethos where Welsh culture and heritage is supported and celebrated.
If a student with Welsh as their first language were offered a place at The Haven, their education could be accessed through the medium of Welsh.
Positive Behaviour Support
At The Haven School we focus on what a pupil can achieve. We accept the differences associated with autism spectrum condition (ASC) and provide a unique and personalised approach to behaviour support.
By the nature of their autism, many of our pupils present with challenging behaviour that affects their engagement in many aspects of their lives, this behaviour can also have a significant impact on others.
Our Behaviour policy clearly outlines our approach.
Positive support of behaviour is embedded in all we do, through the following systems:
- Classrooms are structured to give each pupil a personalised approach to behaviour and learning.
- All areas of the pupils behaviour linked to their autism are supported